Investor Relations
Providing investor relations services to a publicly traded company is a specialized branch of public relations. Your role is to present your corporate client to its existing and prospective investors in the best possible light while providing an accurate account of that company’s history and potential future. Thus, you assist private and institutional investors in making well-informed decisions about whether or not to invest in the company.
“It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price
than a fair company at a wonderful price.”
— Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway
How can I help you?

Sheila Mullane Estrada
Phone: 727-480-6748
Email: gemcom@gate.net
Sheila Mullane Estrada’s journalism career began as a reporter for the Holyoke (Massachusetts) Transcript, and continued as an investigative reporter for the Sarasota Herald Tribune, the Lakeland Ledger, and the Evening Independent in Florida. She has earned a number of journalism awards, including the National Newspaper Association’s National Award for a Community Service Investigative Series, the Florida Society of Newspaper Editors for a Public Service Investigative Series, and an Award of Excellence from the FTP-NEA of Florida. Sheila is now a freelance journalist, graphic designer, and web developer, with her journalism work appearing in the Tampa Bay Times, Tampa Bay Newspapers, The Legal Examiner, The Bull & Bear Financial Report, The Monetary Digest, The Resource Investor, and Gold Stock News. Her public relations and creative services clients include Save The Children, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Lumos, the Hepatitis Foundation International, Springfield College, and St. Petersburg College.